How to make the best tacos?
I have the dilemma of loving rigid tacos, but hating when they break (yes I know, my life is hard). So here’s my tip to get the crunchy of the rigid tacos but that can kept in one piece. The secret is extra cheezy tacos.

Tacos are perfect when having guests over, whether they’re vegetarian or not! They can put whatever they like in it and veggie meat is almost identical to ground beef. In a taco, it’s even more difficult to taste the difference!
In addition, the veggie tacos take even less time to make, because there’s no meat to cook!

Prep : 20 min
Cooking : 20 min
The same number of soft tacos and rigid tacos (there’re boxes with both types)
Neutral oil (I used sunflower oil)
Sautéed vegetables: bell pepper, onion, mushrooms ... Onion, diced
Veggie ground round (I bought Yves’ original veggie ground round)
Taco Seasoning
Raw vegetables: tomato, lettuce
Grated vegan cheese (I used Nafsika’s Garden mozzarella which is my favorite to eat cold)
Preheat the oven to 350 F and prepare a baking sheet.
Place the soft tacos on the baking sheet and garnish evenly with cheeze. Bake. Wait until the cheeze melts a little then add the rigid taco over it. Return to the oven for 3 min.
In a large oiled pan, sauté your sliced vegetables. Remove from pan and set vegetables aside.
In this same pan, sauté onions. When the onion is translucent, add the block of veggie meat and break it up using a wooden spatula. Add oil as needed to prevent it from sticking. Add the taco seasoning and water (according to the instructions on the seasoning package). Cook until the meat is hot (there’s nothing to actually cook).
Cover the rigid taco with the soft taco and garnish with meat, sautéed & raw vegetables, salsa and grated cheeze.