
You're newly vegan and go camping. There's an obstacle : what to eat while camping? Here are some ideas for campers!



These dishes can all be done with the minimum equipment : a saucepan, a frypan, a hot plate, ustensils and a fire.


BLT : bacon (Yves veggie bacon, Tofurky tempeh bacon, Lightlife bacon ...) + lettuce + tomato + veganaise (Hellman's, Earth Island ...)

Cereals : with vegetable milk (almonds, soya ...) and fruits

Toasts : with peanut butter, almond butter or hummus

Bagels : with cream cheeze

Sandwich : with peanut butter and banana

Granola bowl : with vegan yogurt and fruits

Sandwich with Field Roast sausages

Sandwich with Field Roast sausages

Burger with Beyond Meat patty

Burger with Beyond Meat patty

Main meal

Sausages: Vegan sausages (Gusta, Field Roast, Yves ...) and vegetables

Burger: with a patty from Beyond Burger, Yves, Aliments RacineSweet earth ... or homemade (see my black bean burger recipe)

Burger pulled pork: with an prepackaged jackfruit mix (the jackfruit company, Upton's Naturals ...) ready to be reheated

Hot dog: with Lightlife or Yves veggie dogs or tempeh (see my recipe)

Sandwich: with cold meatless (Yves, Tofurky), vegan sausage (Gusta, Field Roast, Yves ...), bacon (Yves veggie bacon, Tofurky tempeh bacon, Lightlife bacon ...) or homemade spread prepared in advance (chick’n, chickpeas ….)

Legume salad: Bean, apple and cranberry salad, pasta & bean salad, or simply canned legumes mixed with vegetables and vinaigrette that you prepare on the spot or in advance (for all my salad recipes :

Pasta: pasta (whole wheat, lentil, bean) + sauce + protein (a can of lentils or veggie ground (Yves, Beyond meat, Vegeat …) that you cook on a frypan with some oil) + vegetables (that you can cook in the frypan or in aluminium foil)

Mac&cheeze: Daiya, Annie's Homegrown ... or homemade (Loounie’s recipe)

Grilled cheeze: with cheeze (Daiya, Gusta, Zengarry, Nuts for cheese ...)

Souvlakis : bought (Yves) or homemade (see my recipe)

Teriyaki tofu : prepared in advance (see my recipe)

Chick’n pita wrap : vegan chicken from Tofurky with lettuc, tomato, onion and hummus

Pulled pork burger made with The Jackfruit Company BBQ Jackfruit

Pulled pork burger made with The Jackfruit Company BBQ Jackfruit




Hummus & veggies : homemade (see my recipe) or bought

Chips: not those with cheese like doritos (except Ketchup doritos which are vegan!!) or sunchips that are not vegan

S'mores: vegan marshmallows (not made with animal gelatine, like Dandies ...) + vegan Graham crackers (S'moreables ...) + dark chocolate

Energy balls : homemade (see my recipe) or bought


Ideas never end! Eating vegan while camping is not restrictive. On the contrary, it allows creativity!


And you, what do you eat while camping?